Black Maca Complex, 5000 mg

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Black Maca Complex – maca root in capsules. High-quality maca extract equal to the strength of 5000 mg of maca root in one capsule. Maca is a rich source of vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins.

  • Top-quality natural food supplement
  • A natural formula for more energy and endurance
  • Also for building and strengthening muscles
  • Suitable for vegetarians
  • High-potency supplement for both women and men.
  • Powerful 5000 mg of Black Maca in each serving
  • Ideal for building & toning muscles
  • Blend of Peruvian Black Maca with L Arginine, Panax Ginseng, Zinc & Black Pepper
  • Improve your Strength, Stamina & Vitality
  • 180 capsules – 6-month supply

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Maca root, also known as Peruvian ginseng, originates from Peru and has been used for many years for its natural energy properties. Our natural supplement contains a root extract equivalent to 5000 mg of high-quality maca root per dose. The capsules are very easy to consume, so you can easily incorporate them into your daily routine, no matter how busy your work days are, Black Maca capsules will provide a natural boost of energy.

Black maca is the rarest form of maca, representing only 10-15% of the harvest. It represents our external energy, which strengthens sustains, and vitalizes. Traditionally, ancient peoples used it to prevent and improve various conditions, such as poor concentration, fatigue, and loss of strength…, as it also naturally contains many essential minerals and vitamins, such as iron, zinc, copper, potassium, and vitamin C. It also contains useful fibers and proteins, which is why nowadays it is also popular with athletes. Black pepper and L-Arginine – an essential amino acid that forms important proteins in our body – have been added to the new formulation of this dietary supplement.

Why Black Maca Capsules?

Black maca capsules are extremely nutritious and are an excellent source of vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins. These high-quality capsules provide you with a natural boost of energy when you need it most, meaning you’ll effortlessly take your daily routine as well as your workout routine to the next level. The product also contains L-Arginine and red (Panax) ginseng. Maca supports physical and mental performance and helps maintain optimal stamina and vitality.

Who is Black Maca Complex intended for?

The dietary supplement Black Maca complex is intended for everyone who is looking for a natural boost of energy. The capsules will also ideally complement your exercise, helping to build and shape muscles. They are a convenient alternative to protein drinks if you don’t like the taste of the latter, and at the same time, you can also save time by using our capsules, since their consumption does not require any preparation.

Maca has become an extremely popular supplement for both women and men at all stages of life, as the vitamins and minerals it contains naturally positively support hormonal balance, energy levels, endurance, and physical and mental performance and vitality.

It has traditionally been used by women who were looking for ways to avoid the various inconveniences brought by menstrual cycles and menopause and active men, as maca is also a rich source of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins, which help, among other things, building and strengthening muscles.

How to Use

Preporučena dnevna doza: 1 kapsula
Pakiranje sadrži: 180 kapsula / 180 doza

Uzmite 1 kapsulu dnevno uz obrok s čašom vode ili prema preporuci stručne osobe.

Čuvanje: Na suhom, tamnom i hladnom mjestu.

Savjet: Proizvod je dodatak prehrani. Preporučena dnevna količina se ne smije prekoračiti. Dodatak prehrani nije zamjena za uravnoteženu i raznoliku prehranu te zdrav način života. Za vrijeme trudnoće, dojenja, uzimanja lijekova ili liječničkog nadzora se prije upotrebe posavjetujte s liječnikom. Ako osjetite bilo kakve nuspojave tijekom uzimanja ovog dodatka, prekinite s uzimanjem dodatka i posavjetujte se s liječnikom. Čuvati izvan dohvata djece!


Crna maca, Panax ginseng, L-Arginin, Crni papar, Cink.

Nutritivni podaci
Ekstrakt korijena mace

50 mg (100:1) ekvivalentno 5000 mg Maca korijena u prahu

5000 mg
Panax Ginseng

50 mg (10:1) (10 mg ginsenozida) ekvivalentno 500 mg Panax Ginseng praha

500 mg
Crni papar u prahu 10 mg
L-Arginin 50 mg
Cink (kao cinkov oksid) 5 mg 50
Drugi sastojci: Mikrokristalna celuloza, silicijev dioksid, magnezijev stearat, ovojnica kapsule: hipromeloza (HPMC)

* Referentna vrijednost hranjivih tvari / •RVN nije specificirana

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Black Maca Complex
Black Maca Complex, 5000 mg

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